Supporting Nepalese school

Good to Know

    Supporting Nepalese school.

    "Raising a Roof”

    Education in Nepal is paramount for children to secure the knowledge and skills needed for a healthy and prosperous future.

    With a population nearing 28 million and a suffering economy, the Nepalese Government simply can not support the public school system adequately.

    Shree Purano Gujeshowri Secondary School, located just north of the Thamel tourist hub, opens its doors 6 days per week to 475 students.

    With only 17 small classrooms and 21 teachers, the resources are stretched to the limits trying to provide a solid foundation for children aged 3 – 17 to grow and learn.

    The earthquake in April 2015 only added devastation to the school, damaging two classrooms that require a complete rebuild. Some money has been gifted by the Government, though not enough to finish the roofing or supply classroom furniture.

    This is a lesser-known school and is not listed on any current foreign voluntary program. Now, more than ever, Shree Purano Gujeshowri Secondary School requires an ongoing commitment of money, time, and effort to secure an exceptional learning environment for the future working generation of Nepal.

    What our guest saying in this regard,

    “With the help of Dipak, I had the absolute pleasure of spending some time at this school, with the students and teachers. My presence came as a surprise, as I’m sure I was the first westerner to walk on the school grounds, but I was warmly welcomed into the classrooms. The children amazed me. They all had an exceptional and genuine appreciation for being at school, they wanted to learn – everything. Education is not taken for granted as so many western children do. The school is a simple layout of classrooms with a dirt quadrangle for play. No grassed areas, no ball sports, no basketball hoops, no canteen, no laptops, no personal desk space … and they attend six days a week!! 

    I implore you if you want to experience true acceptance whilst giving just a little piece of your life, volunteer. It will change you.”

    Paula Simonson

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