• Nepal Trekking Planner
  • Last Updated on Aug 21, 2024

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Motor Biking Trips in Nepal, Why it’s Getting Popular?

Race the rain, ride the wind, and chase the sunset. These are the words a biker lives by no matter where he or she is originally from. Motor biking is often associated with freedom and happiness, and rightly so.

If you’re a motorbike and you’re thinking of traveling to Nepal, you are going to love motor biking in this country. Compared to western countries like the US or UK, Nepal is a motorcycle country, there are probably 20 times more 2 wheelers than 4 wheelers in this country. The main reason for that is not everyone can afford cars and motorcycles are cheaper. But other than that, motorcycle is just a joy to ride, even those who can afford car prefer motorcycles in Nepal whether it’s going on a vacation or everyday commute.

So, why is motor biking getting popular in Nepal?

Motorcycle is the number one mode of transportation for more than half the number of private vehicle owners in the country. But in recent times, foreigners coming to visit Nepal have also taken a liking to taking motorcycle trips in Nepal.

The number one reason why motorcycle trips are getting popular in Nepal is because it’s quicker. Kathmandu, the capital, the central region of the entire country is so crowded 11 months out of 12 that the traffic is unbearable at times. If you’re in a public vehicle or any kind of four wheeler, you might even be stuck in traffic for a while. However, if you are on a motorcycle, you can just zoom past cars, take shortcuts and skip the traffic.

Even going outside the Kathmandu valley on long trips is usually quicker than travelling in public vehicles.

Another reason for the growing popularity of motor biking in Nepal is motorbikes make you the master of your trip. You don’t have to hassle your driver to go back 5 kms to pick up your forgotten bag, and you don’t have to wait for anyone of you wanna set your journey at 5 am.

Nepal is a country of beautiful landscapes, gigantic mountains, serene rivers and lakes, but you probably won’t get to experience all this while travelling from one place to another even if something spectacular is en route. A lazy driver, narrow roads, time constraints, whatever the reason maybe, you will be missing a great deal. However, if you’re on a motor bike, you can go wherever you want, whenever you want, and experience things you might have never experienced if you were on a car ride.

The experience of hidden tea shops and villages that are off the map even when they are only 20 minutes away from highway is something completely extraordinary. Again, only because you’re on a motorbike.

Another reason motor biking is getting popular in Nepal is that people coming here are already coming to Nepal with the sense of adventure in their heart. While Nepal is also a relaxing destination, People come to Nepal to trek to gigantic mountains, experience rafting, bungee to the deepest natural gorge in the world, and other adventurous activities.

Since, motor biking is already associated with adventure, people are just more keen on experiencing the best time in the country.

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