• Nepal Trekking Planner
  • Last Updated on Aug 26, 2024

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When is the Best Time of the Year to Travel Nepal?

While in Nepal, within the stretch of just 70 kilometers, you can experience temperature fluctuation ranging from sweltering heat to freezing cold. Such is the weather versatility Nepal’s versatile topography poses. Anyway, Nepal is broadly temperate with four major seasons that are centered around summer and monsoon. While travelling to Nepal is worthwhile throughout the year, it is always wise to plan your travel depending on what you want to do here. Here we present you a list of different suitable periods to travel to Nepal and why.

Autumn (late September to late November).

Autumn is the peak tourist season in Nepal, as the weather is clear and dry and the visibility high. In autumn, it is neither to hot and humid in the Terai or too cold in the high country. With pollution and dirt being washed away by the monsoon rains, the mountains will be visible on most days. A good majority of visitors who prioritize mountain views come during autumn. Another pro, two major Nepalese festivals of Dashain and Tihar also fall during this period. However, the downside is that majority of trekking trails and accommodation centers are always packed and price is always higher.

Winter (December to January).

In winter, the weather is mostly clear and stable. Although it never snows in Kathmandu, the mornings can be very chilly. In high-altitude trekking areas, extreme cold can make lodge and inn-owners shut down altogether. However, there are other low-to-mid altitude trekking trails like Rara and Langtang trek that are possible even in winter. Also, it is an excellent time to visit Terai and rewind in the dense jungles of national parks.

Spring (February to mid-April).

It is second-most popular tourist season in Nepal, with its longer days and warmer weather. The forests are tinted red with blooming rhododendron flowers and the long grasses of Terai will have been freshly cut. Thus, it is the best time to travel to hills and south for viewing the exotic wildlife – despite the increasing heat. However, the downside is that the haze can obscure the views of mountains from lower elevations.

Pre-Monsoon (mid-April to early June).

Pre-monsoon in Nepal welcomes even more stifling heat, afternoon clouds and rain showers. However, it also brings the edginess. Since pre-monsoon sees lesser number of tourists than other seasons, you will get to visit and make experiences sans the tourist crowd. The hotels are emptier and prices lower, making in suitable from economic point of view as well. You can commence high treks where the temperature is more tolerable.

Monsoon (mid-June to late-September).

The monsoon’s arrival may vary by few weeks every year. It is a pleasant time as the terraced fields come alive with flowing water and green shoots. The air is clean and refreshing, flowers in full bloom, butterflies and birds dotting the sky, and fresh fruits and vegetables in abundance. However, one major drawback: low visibility of mountains. also, paths may get blocked by landslides and flights may get cancelled. But, you can visit areas and trek in areas that receive trek areas that receive very less rainfall like the Annapurna region that falls in rain shadow.

Nepal Trekking Planner

Nepal Trekking Planner